Do you think of yourself as a lion or a lamb?
That was a question posed to me this past week.
“A LION!” I said without hesitation. They are strong, fierce, powerful, and respected.
“But you’re not a lion,” my friend challenged. “God is the Lion. You are a lamb–meek, simple, quiet, and peaceful.”
In seconds, my friend reminded me how easily I can position myself above God in my own heart, and I was instantly humbled. After picking my jaw up off the floor, we had a meaningful conversation about how Jesus is my Shepherd, and I am part of His flock–a sheep. We follow. We go where we’re led. And we are content under His protection.
God is the Lion in our lives–our Protector, our Fighter, and our Strength. God is in you and me. Because of that, we are like a lion, but we are not THE Lion. He is. How quickly I forget that.
This week, put down your need to be something you were never designed to be, and rest calmly in the pasture. Leave room for me.