You’ve heard of ‘Quiet Quitting’ right? It’s showing up to work and not working. Giving your least. Doing the minimum.
…and why not? Clearly you aren’t paid what you’re worth. You don’t get the time off you deserve. The break room is only stocked with terrible coffee and there’s never any snacks you like. Why should you even try when no one is going to notice anyway?
This is a tricky space because there are plenty of employers out there that are not treating their employees with dignity and respect. Many people DO deserve a raise and aren’t being fairly compensated. The break room SHOULD have better coffee.
How do we balance unfair conditions…
With this:
Colossians 3:23
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,
Do my work like I’m working for God? I mean… c’mon… He’s not signing these paychecks! 🙂
I don’t know about your personal circumstances but I can tell you about mine:
I’ve been tempted to ‘Quiet Quit’ more than once. I looked around and saw that I was putting in a lot of the hard work that others were not. I saw that I wasn’t being rewarded for the work I was putting in. In fact, in one particular case, the slacker next to me was getting a ton of recognition and I was getting none. He mocked me for it. It was intensely unfair.
I made a choice that day (and on the many days that followed) that despite my circumstances I wanted to be the kind of person who “showed up” and was present in my day-to-day work. Was I going to be rewarded every time I went the extra-mile? No. There are plenty of times that it is not and never will be noticed, but I’ve taken that verse in Colossians to heart. I put in time like I’m working for God. Not for people.
Also, for the record, I’ve “actually quit” jobs. Colossians 3:23 isn’t an invitation to be used or abused.
Talk to God about what’s going on at work. Are you being treated unfairly? Do you need a raise? Do you love where you are and are super grateful? Talk to Him about it. If you are going to do the work like you’re working for Him, share with Him about how it’s going. I can’t guarantee an outcome or exactly what is going to happen, but I do know that God sees everything. He loves you, and you are not going to work alone. He is working right alongside you.