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Email with “Ask TJ” in the subject.
Ask TJ helps answer everyday questions with Biblical truth. Hosted by Pastor T.J. Hankey, senior pastor of Refresh Church in Boise, Idaho.
Refresh Church meets Sundays at 10:00 AM at Owyhee High School in Boise, Idaho.
T.J. started his education through a local church program called the Master’s Commission. It was here that he gained valuable experience and education through Global and Southeastern Universities.
In the summer of 2020, T.J. and his wife, Leah, felt a clear call from God to plant a life-giving church. This time, in the Treasure Valley of Idaho. Refresh Church launched in September of 2021 and has built an incredible team to see people refreshed by the presence of God and discover their purpose in Him.
Pastor T.J. is a gifted teacher and communicator. He has a passion for making God’s word relatable and practical, and he has a heart for reaching people right where they are and introducing them to the refreshing message of Jesus.