On the surface,

Project Nation is a radio station playing great music from artists like Andy Mineo, Lecrae, and Forrest Frank. But behind the radio frequency is a passion to bring people together in order to impact our communities.

We’re here to encourage you to live connected. To remind you that when life gets crazy, God’s got your back. We want to empower you to share that same feeling with anyone and everyone around you.

Thanks for listening and make sure to become a Control Freak, follow us on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube, and sign up for our email newsletter so we can stay in touch. Or contact us by any of the methods below:

Email: pulse@project887.com
855-811-LIVE (MTN)
Address: 16115 S. Montana Ave.
BLDG F, Caldwell ID, 83607


Project Nation sees things differently.

  • We believe that happiness is more than buying a product.
  • We believe that every person has a story, and that story can be a tool to change the world.
  • We believe that fun is about doing what you love, with people that you love, in a place that you love.
  • We believe that you don’t have to be a celebrity to make a difference, and you don’t need violence to fix a problem.
  • We believe that Jesus, Faith, and The Gospel are more than just words you heard at Church.
  • While we don’t force “religion” down anyone’s throat, we are never ashamed to talk about Jesus. He is why we exist and everything we need is wrapped up in Him.